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How to use the different types of stevia

Views: 95     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-07-25      Origin: Site


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Stevia sweetener is available online or at most local grocery shops in powder and liquid form. Remember: the best stevia contains no additives, including other sweeteners, and should be USDA certified organic and non-GMO.

For green leaf (technically considered a supplement in the US, not a food), try Organic Traditions Organic Green Leaf Stevia Powder ®. For purified extracts (the only type approved for food in the US), SweetLeaf ® Stevia is a popular choice and is available in both liquid and white powder form.

You can also purchase whole dried leaves and grind them at home, but it is recommended that you do not bake or cook with home-grown stevia as chemical reactions may occur.

Stevia leaf extract is available in both powder and liquid forms. The liquid variety can be used to sweeten coffee, tea, healthy smoothies or natural stevia soda recipes. The powder is best for cooking and baking - a little goes a long way.

The next time you use this natural sweetener in place of sugar, try the following basic conversion.

1 teaspoon of sugar = 1/2 packet or 1/8 teaspoon of stevia powder = 5 drops of stevia

1 tablespoon of sugar = 1.5 packets or 1/3 teaspoon of stevia powder = 15 drops of liquid stevia

1 cup sugar = 24 packets or 2 tablespoons stevia powder = 2 teaspoons liquid stevia

The only alternative that does not work is caramelisation in desserts as it does not turn brown like traditional sugar.

Cane sugar

Excessive sugar intake has been linked to a range of negative side effects including heart disease, diabetes, liver disease and weight gain. In fact, just one teaspoon contains about 16 calories.

Stevia, on the other hand, is calorie-free and has been linked to a number of potential health benefits, including lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure and improving insulin sensitivity.


Artificial sweeteners

Aspartame is a common sweetener found in most sugar-free sodas and many 'sugar-free' foods. Although it is calorie-free, it can also cause digestive problems and even depression and headaches in sensitive people.

Sucralose (also known as Splenda) is another popular sweetener and has been considered a healthy alternative to aspartame since it was approved in the 1990s. However, there have been reports that sucralose can also be problematic, particularly because the body metabolises it differently to most artificial sweeteners.

Sucralose is considered safe in high-temperature cooking, but a 2013 report reviewing the safety of the substance found that it produces a toxin called chloropropanol when exposed to high temperatures. Another major difference between Stevia and Splenda is that sucralose may negatively affect glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.

Sugar alcohols

To avoid artificial sweeteners, many people choose foods sweetened with sugar alcohols (SA), which are low-calorie sweeteners such as erythritol, xylitol, mannitol and sorbitol.

Although they are not identical in composition to artificial sweeteners and do not cause a rise in blood sugar, they are associated with digestive problems such as bloating, diarrhoea and flatulence.

Another key difference between erythritol and SAs such as stevia is that they are often derived from genetically modified corn, which many people choose to avoid out of concern for long-term safety.

Natural sweeteners

As well as stevia, there are several other natural sweeteners that you can enjoy in moderation as part of a healthy diet.

In particular, raw honey, dates, coconut sugar, maple syrup, dark syrup, balsamic glaze, mashed bananas, brown rice syrup and real jam are all healthy sweeteners to consider using.

But remember, these do affect calorie intake and insulin release. However, they often provide important micronutrients and offer a variety of health benefits.


What is stevia? It is a calorie-free sugar substitute derived from the stevia plant, native to South America.

Is stevia healthy? Some studies suggest that it may help to lower cholesterol levels, support metabolic health, reduce weight gain and may provide some anti-cancer compounds.

While it adds a lot of natural sweetness to recipes, it is virtually calorie and carbohydrate free. This makes it a popular choice for keto and other low-carb diets such as the Paleo diet.

Not all stevia sweeteners are created equal. Some are highly processed or mixed with other sweeteners and can negate any potential health benefits. According to the FDA, crude stevia remains controversial when consumed in large quantities.

Always choose organic, green leaf stevia whenever possible and check ingredient labels carefully to ensure you are getting your money's worth.

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