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Applications of potassium sorbate(1)

Views: 117     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-11-17      Origin: Site


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Potassium sorbate is the least toxic food preservative and is commonly used in the food and feed processing industries, as well as in cosmetics, cigarettes, resins, fragrances and rubber. However, it is most widely used in food and feed preservatives.

Animal feed industry

Potassium sorbate is a legal feed additive in the USA and the EU for use in animal feed. Potassium sorbate can inhibit the growth of moulds in feed, especially the formation of aflatoxin, so that the addition of potassium sorbate can effectively avoid spoilage of feed and still resist the growth of micro-organisms in the animal intestine. In addition, the neutral flavour of potassium sorbate makes it suitable for use in feedstuffs, as animals are more sensitive than humans to changes in the taste of food. In addition, as an unsaturated fatty acid, potassium sorbate can be considered as a feed ingredient that is easily digestible and has no adverse effects on animals. The market for potassium sorbate in the feed industry is huge as feed is susceptible to spoilage during storage as well as during transport and distribution.

food Preservatives

Food containers and packaging materials

The purpose of food packaging is to protect the contents. At present, the use of active substances in food packaging to improve the function of materials, in addition to extending the shelf life of packaged food, but also to maintain the nutritional properties of food and safety. In 2009, China promulgated and implemented GB 9685-2008 health standards, which clearly stipulate the amount of potassium sorbate allowed to be added to food containers and packaging materials, as well as the maximum residue limit of potassium sorbate. In the case of plastic raw materials, the amount can be used according to the production needs, in the case of rubber the amount is 0.1%, in the case of paper the amount is used according to the production needs, and there is no requirement for sorbic acid residues.

In summary, potassium sorbate can be added directly, impregnated, sprayed or sprayed with dry powder, and there are various flexible ways to deal with packaging materials, and the development trend is that because potassium sorbate has the same characteristics as natural substances, the scope of application and usage will be gradually expanded.

Food preservatives

Potassium sorbate is widely used as a food preservative. In 1982, China approved the use of potassium sorbate and promulgated the standard, stipulating that the concentration allowed in pasta products, sauces, canned food, dried fruit products, dairy products and condiments is 0.02% to 0.1%. The addition of 1% potassium sorbate to meat products can significantly inhibit the production of Clostridium botulinum toxin. Sorbic acid is also widely used in low alcoholic beverages such as fruit wines, beers and wines and has a good preservative effect. 

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has set a series of standards for food products, specifying a maximum dosage of 0.28/kg of potassium sorbate, which is used by all countries in accordance with this standard and in strict accordance with national conditions. The use of potassium sorbate in the treatment of packaging materials can extend the shelf life of foods such as bread and dry kool-aid. In view of the limitations of single food additives and their physical properties, there is a strong focus on the development of food additive combinations, both nationally and internationally, in order to achieve synergistic effects for optimal results.

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